about us.

We love nothing more than transforming the look and feel of your residential or commercial space with premium timber flooring.

our difference.

Best in class craftsmanship and materials create your perfect aesthetic.


Infinity Construction is family-owned construction company striving for construction excellence. We specialise in the installation of timber floors. We understand wooden flooring like no other, so can help you find the right solution to meet your needs.  From the smallest of repair to damage on hardwood floors to the installation of the simplest or most delicate pattern and style.

Lance Vincent is the founder of Infinity Construction and is a Licensed Building Practitioner, member of New Zealand Certified Builders and a Master Floor Installer.

timber benefits.

Nothing beats timber flooring, it evokes the senses and looks fantastic.

environmentally friendly.

Wooden floors are environmentally superior as they are made from a renewable resource.

easy to maintain.

Simple to clean, wooden floors will always be in fashion and continue to look as good and perform as when they were first installed.

allergen free.

Unlike other types of floor covering, wooden floors do not collect and store dirt, dust and other allergy causing materials.